Jesus The Living Word Ministries

Abiding in God’s Word!

Your Daily Journey through the Whole Bible in less than a Year.

It is the desire in many people’s hearts to hear God speak to them directly. Now this desire can come to reality through the Abiding in God’s Word Book. A Book inspired to take believers that are passionately in love with God to come to know Him better. This book is designed to be a daily devotional in God’s Word in a practical, reflective and spiritual way. Through this book, the reader will hear directly from God, as God’s word reflects who God is.

Everyday, your devotional will include reading from both the Old Testament and the New Testament simultaneously, and yet, some days you will read from one or the other. You will read the Scripture both systematically, and also structurally aligned in a way that is easy to read, comprehend and in a timely manner.

What makes this Bible Plan effective are the following key elements:

1. No projecting into the Text:

The author, neither the reader, will not project their personal interpretation of Scripture throughout this plan. Rather, this plan let the Scripture interprets itself.

2. You are not alone:

as you read through the whole Bible using this plan, you will never be alone. First and most, God through the Holy Spirit will be with you as the author of His very word; the Bible. As you read the Scriptures, you will get to know God more personal and intimately.

3. The author is with you:

as you complete sections of this Reading Plan, you will be hearing from the author of "Abiding in God’s Word", guiding you through your journey in the Scriptures. Even more, the author will give you key insights about the context of the Bible as it relates to the time and occasion for the Books of the Bible.

4. Reading through God’s Calendar:

Perhaps for the first time, the reader will read the Bible following God’s Calendar. This book, in part, is structured around the Feasts of the Lord. The reader will read the same way believers in biblical times read the Scriptures.

5. More than just reading:

The goal of this reading plan is not to simply get the reader to read the Scriptures. Rather it is both reading and understanding the revelation of the Word of God. This reading plan takes you through the reflective process of understanding, therefore the reader will know God through His Word.

6. Prayers of your behalf:

not only is the author praying for every person who reads through this daily plan, but a great number of people are praying for you in advance dear reader. That nothing nor no one blocks you from your pursuit of God.

7. Practicality of this Book:

Every aspect of this book has been designed to help the reader find the time and the motivation to read through the whole Bible. The reader, a believer who wants to grow deeper in their relationship with God, only needs to dedicate at least 25 minutes daily using this plan. You can also choose to read Monday thru Friday in the event your weekends are packed with church and family activities. If you do so, you will complete reading the whole Bible in just 240 days.

Ready to Begin the Real Journey?

I can’t wait to begin this daily journey in the Scriptures with you, so that together we can Abide in God’s Word.

About the Author

Apostle Korvachei Hernandez

Korvachei Hernandez, along with his loving wife Clara Hernandez, are the founders of Jesus the Living Word Ministries. Apostle Hernandez received a mandate from God to Establish and Expand the Kingdom of God here on Earth by experiencing the fullness of God. In his apostolic call he has been commissioned with the global call to raise up Kingdom Citizens in the form of Ambassadors for Christ.

Book Tour Contact

Korvachei Hernandez, the author of the bestselling book "Abiding in God´s Word," is eager to visit your church or ministry. Simply send us your details, and we will get in touch with you. We would be delighted to share a wonderful time in God’s presence.

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